Be on the alert for abusive practices and scams

Watch out for visits or contacts from people who present themselves as Google employees that provide various types of support and image or data updates of any nature. We emphasise that partner companies are not authorised to speak on behalf of Google and must present themselves as independent contractors.

We strongly advise that whenever you are approached on behalf of Google directly, please disregard such contact, be it for any reason such as those mentioned in the cases below:

  • Offer services/training on behalf of Google, for measuring metrics, digital media, reporting on digital trends/new digital platforms and new business trends; media advice, etc.;
  • Making promises that are incompatible with the regular operation of Google services, such as ensuring prominent placement on any Search, Google Street View or Google Maps;
  • Pressuring the contracting party with continuous telemarketing phone calls or threats to remove content from Google platforms.

It is important to note that Google does not employ photographers or agencies, but only provides a list of trusted professionals (professionals with the Street View trusted distinction) equipped to use trusted programme items for marketing purposes. These professionals are part of independent entities and all negotiations are carried out without Google's interference or participation. These professionals must follow the Street View trusted photographers policy.

Be on alert! Street View trusted professionals cannot:

  • Refer to themselves as Google employees or offer services on behalf of Google;
  • Insert the Google brand, such as the Street View icon, badge and / or logo on their vehicles;
  • Insert the Google, Google Maps and Street View brands, the trusted badge, any other Google trademark or similar in a domain name;
  • Assure prominent placement on Google Street View or Google Maps;
  • Pressure an advertiser to sign up or continue to use the services of their agency;
  • Offer Google Ads coupons in exchange for payment;
  • Associate the service rendered with any other non-professional activity that assumes impartiality, such as posting a rating or review as a Local Guide;
  • Use the trusted badge in order to offer various services for the purpose of the programme, such as: setting up equipment to measure shop visits (beacons) or any other tools to measure campaign performance metrics, team training on digital media, reporting on digital trends/new digital platforms and new business trends; media advice; pilot projects etc.

Street view trusted programme professionals can:

  • Charge a fee for the services that they offer;
  • Display their own brand and logo on their company vehicle;
  • Use the trusted badge on their Business Profile;
  • Use the trusted badge and brand elements on websites, presentations, corporate attire and printed sales material.

You can communicate and report issues with a certified Street View trusted photographer by filling out this form.

User safety is of major concern to us. For that reason, we restrict the use of Google brands and its platforms. No entity is authorised to:

  • Use the Google brand, such as the Street View icon, seal and/or logo on company vehicles;
  • Use the Google brands, Google Maps and Street View, the trusted professional distinction or other Google trademarks or the like in a domain name;
  • Use the Google brands, Google Maps and Street View or other Google trademarks or the like on clothing items (uniforms, etc.);
  • Use the Google, Google Maps and Street View brands or any other Google trademark or the like, on their Google Business Profile;
  • Use any Google trademarks, or the trusted badge, in a way that suggests that Google endorses a specific product or service.