Show your nonprofit's impact with Google Earth and Maps

Develop compelling data visualisations to track and share your organisation’s impact. Plus, use Google Maps Platform to help people locate community programmes and resources closest to them.

Google for Nonprofits provides Google Maps Platform credits to nonprofits.


How Google Earth and Maps work

Google Earth’s mapping tools offer a wide array of dynamic features, such as the ability to take supporters on location via virtual tour. Plus, create rich visualisations and feature engaging data on a map with premium access to Google Maps Platform.

Discover how Google Earth and Maps give nonprofits the tools to track and share their impact with compelling data visualisations.

Other tools to help you show your impact

Along with Google Earth and Google Maps Platform, other products offered through Google for Nonprofits can also help you share visualisations of your work.

Request a Google for Nonprofits account

Once we’ve verified your organisation’s eligibility, you’ll be able to activate the Google products that best meet your needs.

Have questions or want to learn how to use Google Earth and Maps?

Once your nonprofit is verified and you're approved for Google Maps Platform credits, see our resources and FAQs, so that you can get the most out of the tools.