Begonia semperflorens-cultorum Emperor

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Emperor Bedding Begonias or Wax Begonias (Begonia semperflorens-cultorum 'Emperor' series), derived from several fibrous-rooted species, these small-flowered hybrids occur in green- and red-leaved forms and in a range of flower colours. Although perennial, they are frost-tender and are usually treated as annuals. This is the Sakata 'Emperor' strain, which is a strong-growing and fairly tall Order: Cucurbitales, Family: Begoniaceae

Emperor Bedding Begonias or Wax Begonias (Begonia semperflorens-cultorum 'Emperor' series), derived from several fibrous-rooted species, these small-flowered hybrids occur in green- and red-leaved forms and in a range of flower colours. Although perennial, they are frost-tender and are usually treated as annuals. This is the Sakata 'Emperor' strain, which is a strong-growing and fairly tall Order: Cucurbitales, Family: Begoniaceae


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ID: CFGi140.jpg






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