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If you want to talk to the press about boycotting Heinz....

27 replies

tiktok · 10/07/2008 13:00

...then I have a journalist contacting me about this story later today.

They will want to speak to people prepared to be identified, and preferably mothers affected by the price hike in the formula.

You can email me at tik (insert @)

I will remove this post later today as I don't want this email address on mumsnet (just a workload thing).

OP posts:
lulumama · 10/07/2008 13:02

woo hoo ! great stuff tiktok

mine no longer on formula, but just want to wave my pompoms for you !

tiktok · 10/07/2008 13:04


OP posts:
DanJARMouse · 10/07/2008 13:05

bugger, happy to comment but dont want to be identified (cant be dealing with all that)

But DS was a farleys baby, and is now a hipp organic baby because HEINZ are money-grabbing t***s and obviously no longer commited to FAIR prices

tiktok · 10/07/2008 13:07

Er....don't think the paper will be allowed to print what you really think, Mouse

But they will only want people who are prepared to be ID'd.

OP posts:
hunkermunker · 10/07/2008 13:14

Brilliant, Tiktok!

(As a related aside, Heinz have two sorts of Nurture formula available in Australia - look here - wonder why they're not keeping Farley's here and just introducing the Nurture alongside it?)

DanJARMouse · 10/07/2008 13:16

OMG hunker, they take the piss.

tiktok · 10/07/2008 13:26

The NZ version - and the Oz one? - has iron in it, and our own regulations don't permit it (yet).

OP posts:
hunkermunker · 10/07/2008 13:27

More iron than the formula available in this country, you mean? I thought they all had some iron in?

I did read something about iron-enriched formula affecting IQ (negatively) the other day. Will try to find a link.

tiktok · 10/07/2008 13:30

Yep - 'our' formula is not 'iron enriched'.

OP posts:
Mummy2Freya · 10/07/2008 13:31

Good Luck!!

I hope they finally pay attention to real people, trying to live real lives on real wages, and feed real babies (some of us just cannot BF and I don't count Formula as a luxury item in my weekly shop )

tiktok · 10/07/2008 13:31

Just checked - UK formula: 0.5 mg per 100 ml; Oz formula: 0.9 mg per 100 ml.

OP posts:
tiktok · 10/07/2008 13:32

MummytoFreya, if you want to tell the world, email me at address below

OP posts:
hunkermunker · 10/07/2008 13:33

Interesting that Oz don't want the prebiotics in their formula, but are happy to shove iron in.

Are the manufacturers pushing to get formula iron-enriched over here? Bet they are - then they can have another marketing campaign, all about how stupid bmilk is for not having so much iron in.

Piffle · 10/07/2008 13:43

I'm boycotting their other products in objection to this. I'm an extended and committed breastfeeder but am appalled at this pricing tactic.

BouncingTurtle · 10/07/2008 13:55

I'm boycotting too, but nor ff... I could pretend to

Actually on one of the other threads there was a lady bfing twins on Farleys - it would be great if she could get in touch as this price hike will affect her even more

BouncingTurtle · 10/07/2008 13:56

It was Rebstoddy!! Please come over here if you see this message - we need you!!

InTheDollshouse · 10/07/2008 14:00

Here's the link about iron in formula and IQ.

The study looked at nearly 500 children who were iron sufficient at age 6 months. They were randomized into "low" and "high" iron formula groups. "Low" iron was 0.23mg per 100ml and "high" was 1.2mg per 100ml. At age 10 years, the high iron group were an average 11 IQ points lower than the low iron group (though only children who had high iron to start with were affected).

UK follow-on formulas have about 1.2mg per 100ml though - same as the high iron group in the study. It does sound as though this is probably not a good thing for children whose iron levels are sufficient at 6 months.

hunkermunker · 10/07/2008 14:01

Follow-on a bad idea for more reasons than constipation then?

InTheDollshouse · 10/07/2008 14:01

to clarify - "only children who had high iron to start with were affected" - their iron levels were checked by blood test at 6 months. If they had low iron, then the high iron formula didn't have this detrimental affect since presumably it brought their iron levels up to normal.

InTheDollshouse · 10/07/2008 14:03

I'd have thought so Hunker - unless you know your baby had low iron previously.

hunkermunker · 10/07/2008 14:03

I wonder how many women have their baby's iron levels checked before using follow-on?

Not many, I reckon.

InTheDollshouse · 10/07/2008 14:05

Yes - and there's this general perception that babies' iron stores run out at 6 months so they desperately need extra iron. Whereas in fact that's not true is it?


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Piffle · 10/07/2008 15:03

hunker ds1 now 14 was iron tested aged 8 mths in nz. It was routine to iron test all children who were admitted if parents approved.
we did mostly to shut the ignorant paed up who said excl bf non solid eating ds1 was at deaths door and most likely highly anaemic ( he had tonsiliti fgs v bad but even so)
ds1s iron count was fabulous
of course...
mins however was quite shit

purplefraggle · 11/07/2008 17:18
purplefraggle · 11/07/2008 17:18

Not so good with links sorry but you get the idea!

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