Watsonia meriana var meriana

Meaning of name: Watsonia honours Sir William Watson (1715 – 1787), an English student of electricity, apothecary, physician and botanist. The meaning of meriana is not known.

Distribution: A garden escapee, this plant now occurs from Perth to Albany.

Remarks: A bulb that grows to 1.5 metres tall. The orange, white, pink or red flowers are produced during October and November. Native to South Africa.

References: Western Weeds, A Guide to the Weeds of Western Australia. BMJ Hussey, GJ Keighery, J Dodd, SG Lloyd, RD Cousens. 1997.
Western Australian Plant Names and their Meanings, a Glossary. FA Sharr. 1996.
Flora of the Perth Region. NG Marchant, JR Wheeler, BL Rye, EM Bennett, NS Lander, TD Macfarlane. 1987.