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Galanthus of the Black Sea (Greentours)

The far northeastern corner of Turkey and the adjacent parts of Georgia have a unique biome, the Euxine province. In essence a kind of temperate rainforest, this has resulted in a distinctive flora that includes a large number of species found nowhere else in the world.
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Galanthus alpinus

Galanthus alpinus

Our trip concentrates on the very earliest spring bulbs, particularly Galanthus species. There are a number of species of snowdrop that are found only here.

On the Georgian side we’ll find Galanthus krasnovi with pale yellow Paeonia witmanniana and pink Paeonia caucasica all mixed with Scillas and CorydalisGalanthus shaoricus flowers in rich woodlands around Shaori Lake alongside Helleborus abchasicus and Erythronium sibiricum.

On the Turkish side the Oriental Beech forest are a delight, at this season they’ll just have the very first hints of green appearing, the silver trunks set against the orange leaf-litter where clumps of Galanthus rizehensis bloom. Primula megaseifolia and Cyclamens shower mossy banks with their blooms. Higher we’ll explore mixed woodlands of fir and spruce, hornbeam and wingnut. Here we’ll find Iris lazica and among rocks flowers Galanthus woronowii. We’ll look for Crocus aerius and there are some lovely forms of Crocus biflorus too. We’ll no doubt get involved in the debate between Galanthus alpinus and Galanthus koenenianus!