80 AROIDEANA, Vol. 29 New Typhonium (Araceae) Species from Thailand Wilbert L. A. Hetterscheid Botanical Gardens Wageningen University Gen. Foulkesweg 37 6703 BL Wageningen Netherlands Alan Galloway P.o. Box 37456 Raleigh, NC 27627, USA ABSTRACT Three new species of the Araceae genus Typhonium are described. They were discovered among material in long -standing living collections. A correction to the key published in Hetterscheid et al. (2001) is provided. KEYWORDS Araceae, Typhonium, taxonomy. INTRODUCTION The genus Typhonium was revised by Sriboonma et al. in 1994. Shortly after that Sookchaloem (995) revised the genus for Thailand. Hetterscheid et al. (2001) added 17 new species for the flora of Thailand and finally Murata et al. (2002) added the last species so far for the flora of Thailand. This brings the total of Thai species to 32. The actual number is higher because several almost certain new species await another season of observation before they will be published as well. Browsing through several eXisting collections of living Araceae, the first author concluded that quite a number of undescribed species are still waiting to be published. Of these, three species are described here, all present in the collection of the second author and in a few collections in Thailand. It is appropriate to mention here that in the revised key to the Thai Typhonium species (Hetterscheid et al., 2001) an unfortunate mistake was discovered. In the key, on page 31, right hand side, choice 4a says to go on to 8 but that should read 9. DESCRIPTIONS 1) Typhonium conchiforme Hett. & A. Galloway sp. nov. Type: from a plant cultivated in the Botanical Gardens of Wageningen University (orig. colI.: THAILAND, Tak Province, A. Galloway), 4 May 2003, Hetterscheid H.AR.41S-T (holotype, WAG, spiritcoll.). Figures 1-3. Typhonio sagittariifolio proxime simi lis in characteribus morphologicis multis, sed in staminodiis brevioribus 0-3 mm longis) rectis valde differt. Underground part a short tuberous rhizome, 1.5-2 cm long, 1-1.5 cm in diam. Flowering alongside the first developed leaf and then later again in the season. Petiole 17-22 cm long, 2-3 mm in diam., smooth, basal part pale brown with darker brown striations or pale green with pale brownish striations, upper part uniformly bright pale green; lamina deeply sagittate, 13-20 cm long, upper surface green, lower surface paler green, anterior segment lanceolate, 7-11 cm long, 1-2 cm in diam. at the base, gradually narrowing to the apex, apex acute, posterior segments parallel or diverging at a rather small angle, linearlanceolate, 6-10 cm long, 0.8-1.5 cm in diam. at the base, acute. Peduncle hardly or half exposed or almost entirely exposed, 2-4 cm long, 3 mm in diam., white with thin reddish purple striations; spathe 4-6 cm long, constricted between base W. L. A. 1-1 En ·E RSCH EID. A. GALLOWAY , 2006 81 Fig. 1. Typhonium conch(Jorme Hert. & A. Ga lloway. Inflo rescence. Fig. 2. Typbonium conch(forme Hett. & A. Gall oway. Spathe cut open . and limb , base elli ptic-ovate , 1.3-1.8 cm long, 0.9-1.2 cm in diam. , o utside ve ins w hitish , in be t\veen flu shes of brown and irregul a rl y ang ulate to subrectang ular dark brown spots a nd simil ar punctations, o r whitish gree n w ith pale g reenish-greyish striatio ns and spots , inside g lossy, d irty pal e brownish with spots from the o utside shining thro ugh, o r nea rl y e ntire ly offwhite or pa le g reen ; limb d ee p ly cymb i- 82 ARO JDEANA, Vol. 29 u pwa rds, the up pe r o nes ho ri zonta l. Anthe rs ve ry pale w hitish p inkish, trunca ted , po res a p ica l, o rbicular or e lli p tic afte r an thesis. Fig. 3. Typ honium con cb(forme Hett. & A. Ga lloway. Leaves. Additi o na l s p ec ime n s see n-THAILAND , s . loc. Cowen RCAR 0017 ( pho tographs o nly); Thailand , Tak Province, Galloway AGA-l 040-03 (p ho tog rap hs o nl y); Thailand , Ta k Province, Gallo wa y A GA 1040-09 (p ho tograp hs o nly); Tha ila nd , Ta k Prov ince , Galloway AGA-l 040-.l9 ( p ho tographs o nly) ; Tha ila nd , Ta k Pro vin ce , GaUoway AGA -l040-E(p ho tograp hs o nly) ; Tha il a nd , Tak P ro vin ce, Galloway AGA-l11 0-01 (photographs o nl y) ; Tha ila nd , Ta k Prov ince Sinhabaedy a CS 02013 05 (ph otograpbs o nly) D istribu tio n-Tha ila nd , Tal< Province. fo rm, strongly concave , 2. 7-4 cm lo ng, 22.5 cm in cli a m. , o uts id e as ba se bu t slig htly flu shed purp le a nd g lo ssy or co nsid e rably mo re p urp le, apex ac ute , some times ap iculate , ins ide as o uts ide b ut d ull , Spadix slig htl y shorte r tha n s pathe , 3.5-5 cm lo ng , o fte n slig htly b ut d isti ncdy curved fo rwa rd; fe male pa rt 1-2 m l11 lo ng, 5 mm in dia m., fl o we rs co ngested and a ll fused into o ne large syna ndri u m, bord ering li nes between ind iv idu al flo we rs visible; ste ril e part l.1 -1 A cm lo ng, lo we r 3-5 mm w ith dense ly set sta min od es, the re mainder naked , smooth, w hite; ma le pa rt cylind ric, 910 mIll lo ng, 4 mm in cliam. , base o bliq ue o r atte nu ate , fl o we rs congested ; a p pe ndix ve ry sho rtly stipi tate (sti pe 1 mm) e lo ngate- co nica l, l. 5-2A cm lo ng, 3 mm in d iam . at the base, ta pe ring to the o btuse o r su bac ute to p , base trun cated , surfa ce smooth , da rk red d ish purple, pale b ro w n o r d ark black ish g rey . Ova ries elongate , subangulate , o bconica l, l. 5 mm lo ng, 1 mm in clia m. nea r tbe apex, a pex fl atte ned p yramida l, lowe r ha lf w bitish, uppe r half pale p inkish w ith d a rk p urp le s po ts, unilocular, o ne basal ov ule; style absent; stigma ap ica l o r su b late ra l, he mi s p he ric , glossy , d e nsely pa pi ll ate. Sta minod es e lo ngate, te re te o r s lig htly th icke ne d nea r the top , 1- 3 mm lo ng, 1 mm in diam. , smooth, o ff white o r pa le ye ll o w, to p o btu se o r s ubac ute , the lower o nes slig htl y curved Etymo logy-The s pecies e p ith et re fe rs to the sha pe of the li mb o f th e s pathe . Notes-Typb onium conchUonne in most as pects closely resembles T sag itta riilolium Gagne p . b ut the stam ino d es o f the latte r are lo nger (5 mm ) a nd recurved. The re is also g reat resembla nce in in fl orescence mo rp ho logy w ith bo th T p usillum Sookcba loem , Nguyen V.D . & I-lett. and T gag n epainii Murata & Sookc ha loe m b ut these s pe cies ha ve muc h b roade r lea f parts and g la nd ula r ha irs o n the pe tio les a nd lo we r surfaces of the lea ves . 2) Typhonium sinhabaedyai Hert. & A. Ga lloway sp. nov. Type : fro m a p la nt culti va ted in the Bo tanica l Ga rd e ns o f Wage ningen Un ivers ity (orig . co il.: THAILAND , Tal< Provin ce, C. Sinhabaedya CS-0201 403), 29 May 2003, Heu erscheid H. AR .445 -T ( ho lo type , WAG , s p iritcoll.) . Figures 4-6. 7)jJhonio albidineruo sim il is, sta mino cli is ho rizonta libus o btusis appe nd ice sti pitala d iffe rt. Unde rg ro un d p art a sma ll , s ho rt tu be ro us rhi zome , l. 5-3 cm lo ng, 1- 1.5 cm in cli am., a nn ua ll y pro d ucing sma ll , fu s ifo rm o ffsets . La mina triang ula r-hastate , 7- 12 cm lo ng, 5- 11 cm in clia m ., acute w ith a sho rt ap iculu m , upper s urfa ce Sil very g reyis h W. L. A. I-I E'JTEHSCI-IEID, A. GALLOWAY , 2006 83 Fig. 4. Typbonium sinbabaedyai Hett. & A. Galloway. Infl o rescence. green o r green, lower surface pa le g reen , basa l lo bes triang ul ar, mo re o r less strongly dive rging. Infl o rescence develo ping afte r lea f development, prominently ped unculate; peduncl e 1-2 cm lo ng, 2.5- 3 mm in clia m., pal e pink o r w hite w ith minute, sho rt, pinkish stri atio ns . Spathe 7.5-11.5 cm lo ng; base ovoid , 1.3-2 x 0.9-1.4 cm, o utside off-white w ith pale reddish pink, s hort striations and punctations; limb e lo ngate triangular, 6-9.5 cm lo ng, 1.3-2.4 cm at the base , tapering to the apex, acute, ofte n c ircinnately recurved during anthesis, o utside as base but striatio ns much pale r, inside very pa le g reenish w hitish with a fa int sil very s himmer; spadL'( slightly sho rter than spathe, 6.5-8.5 cm long, sessil e; fe male zone conical , 2--4 mm long, 5 111m in diam. at the base, fl owers congested; sterile pa rt 11-17 mm lo ng, lower 2-3 mm sta min od ial, rest na ke d and smooth but just above the stam inodes sometimes fu rrowed , w hite; male pa rt cylind ric 10-15 mm lo ng, 3 mm in d iam. , fl owers congested, pale pink; appendix s ho rt stipitate (stipe 0.6-1.2 mm lo ng) , base o bliqu e ly truncated , sometimes cre nul ate, 4-5 cm lo ng , base 2-3 m111 in cliam., tape ring to the a pex , ac ute, s urface smooth o r rugul ose, pale cream ish o r pale clirty o rang is h ye llow . Ova ries s lightly e lo ngate , 1.5 mm X 1 mm , cla rk pink, stigmas la rge , discoid , angulate o r ova l, w ith a ce ntral de press io n, 0.8 mm in dia111. 0.2 mm high, de nse ly shortly p apill ose, pale pink; staminodes numero us, di rected outwards o r slightly upwards , clava te (narrow Fig. 5. Typhonium sinhabaedyai Hen. & A. Gall oway. Spa the cut open. base, fu siform up pe r part) o r e ntiJ'e ly fusifo rm , apex obtuse o r truncate d , 2.5-3 m111 lo ng, 0.8 mm in diam. ac ute , slig htly rugul ose , creamy ye ll ow or o range. Additio nal s pecime n studie d-THAILAND, Tak Prov ince, Calloway ACA 1018-01 (photographs only). D istributio n-Tha iland, Tak Province. Etymology-The sp ecies is nam e d fo r Chanrit Sinhabaedya, w ho coll ecte d the firs t plant eve r of this species, a good fri e nd of the second a utho r, who has helped both a utho rs in collecting important info rmatio n o n tuberous a roids in Th ail and. Notes- Typhonium sinhabaedyai resembles in gene ral sh ape of the s pathe Fig. 6. Typhonium sinhabaedyai Hert. & A. Ga lloway. Leaves. 84 ARO IDEANA , Vo l. 29 Fig. 7. Typbol1iu111 tubispatbum Hett. & A. Ga lloway. Infl o rescence. ma ny o the r contine ntal Asian species in the ge nus but the sho rt, re latively thick appendix diffe re ntiates it. The other species a ll have a very thin , filifo rm ap pe nd Lx, never exceed ing a diameter o f 2 111m. The combinatio n of the short, clavate to subfus ifonn staminodes w ith this rathe r sho rt appendLx are uniqu e in Typbol1iu111. Species w ith a comparably sho rt a nd thick appendix all have mu ch larger and broader spa thes. In gene ra l T albidinervum C.Z. Ta ng & H. Li has the most close morphologica l rese mblance to T sinbabaedyai but d iffe rs in having almost vertical staminodes and a no n-stipitate appendix. 3) Typhoniurn tubispathurn Hett. & A. Galloway sp. nov. Type: [i'om a p lant cultivated in the Botani ca l Gardens o f \Xfage ninge n Univers ity (orig. coll. THAILAND, Tak Province , C. Sinhabaedya CS-0201 410), 29 May 2003 , J-Ietterscbeid H.AR.469-T (ho lotype, WAG, s piritcoll .). Figures 7 and 8. Fig. 8. 7jlphonium tubispatbum I-le tt. & A. Gall oway. Spathe cut ope n. Species sola illarum append ice filiforme qua etiam sta minod iis satis crassis clava tis ga ude t. TJjJhon io albid inel'vo similis, sed ilIius staminod ia ve rti ca lia ac uta. Unde rg ro und part a s ubglobose tuber, 1-2 cm hig h, 1-2 cm in dia m. , a nnu all y produ cing several glo bose offsets. Petio le 4-13 cm lo ng, 2-3 mm in cliam ., smoo th , lower part terete, uppe r surface of the upper part d istinctl y channe ll ed , pale gree n thro ugho ut; la min a e lo ngate ova te to e lo nga te ellipti ca l-ovate, 6-15 cm long, 3.3- 6 cm in cliam., s lig htly cori aceous, acute, base ac ute o r slig htly trun ca te, uppe r s urface smooth , g rey ish g reen, lower surface smooth , pale grey green . Infl o rescence opening w hile lea f still very unde rdeveloped. Cataph yll visible , triangu la r, w hite w ith green tip . Peduncle hidde n in soil , l.5 cm lo ng , 3 mm in diam., smooth , w hite ; 85 W. L. A. HETIERSCHEID, A. GALLOWAY, 2006 spathe lanceolate, 22 cm long, 2 cm in diam. above the constriction, base and limb separated by constriction, base strongly convolute, elliptical-ovoid, 2 cm long, 1.3 cm in diam. (4 cm when explanated), outside glossy off-white with a very faint greenish flush, veins slightly darker, inside off-white, limb base erect then arching backwards to the soil, 20 cm long, apex acute, margins dorsally revolute and touching in the upper part to form a narrow tube, inside dull olive greyish green with a golden shimmer and semi-translucent or pale purplish brown, outside glossy pale greyish with a greenish flush. Spadix slightly shorter than spathe, 20 cm long; female part conical, 3 mm long, 4 mm in diam. at the base, 2.5 mm at the apex, flowers congested; sterile part 1.8 cm long, almost entirely covered with staminodes, only upper 3 mm naked, axis white; male zone cylindric, 1 cm long, 4 mm in (liam., apex truncated, base slightly attenuate, flowers congested; appendix filiform, 18.7 cm long, 3 mm in diam. at the base, tapering to the acute apex, base obliquely subtruncate, surface smooth, very pale brown, to the apex yellowish brown. Ovaries cylindric, angulate, 1 mm long, 0.4 mm in diam., white, unilocular, 1 basal ovule; stigma sessile, disciform, 0.4 mm in diam., 0.2 mm high, verrucate-penicillate, white, covering the ovary from sight. male flowers very pale pinkish, opening by sublateral to lateral slits. Staminodes of two main types but with intermediates; lower staminodes short, thick rod-shaped, terete or apex slightly thicker than base (subclavate), subangulate, white, 4 mm long, 1.5 mm in diam, base truncate, apex subtruncate or obtuse, upper staminodes triangular, lateral sides strongly compressed, attached broadly lengthwise on the spadix-axis, ca. 2 mm long, 3 mm in diam. at the base, apex acutish or obtuse, white. View publication stats Additional specimens studied-THAILAND, Tak Province, A. Galloway AGA1146-A (photographs only); Thailand, Tak Province, A. Galloway AGA-1146-01 (photographs only). Distribution-Thailand, Tak Province. Etymology-The species epithet refers to the tubular shape of the spathe base. Notes- Typhonium tubispathum has the general morphology of almost all SE mainland Asian species with the typical filiform appendix. Of all these species, T. tubispathum resembles T. albidinervum but has the staminodes directed horizontally. It also resembles T. cordifolium in the large, clavate staminodes occupying quite a portion of the sterile part of the spadix but the latter has a much more ground-dwelling habit, with leaves positioned on the ground and developing bulbils at their tips. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank Mr. Chanrit Sinhabaedya (Thailand) and Mr. Bob Cowen (Thailand) for providing pictures and observations on the new species described here. Dr. ]. F. Veldkamp (1) was so kind to provide the Latin diagnoses. UTERATURE CITED Hetterscheid, W. L. A., D. Sookchaloem & ]. Murata. 2001. Typhonium (Araceae) of Thailand: new species and a revised key. Aroideana 24:30-55. Murata,]., D. Sookchaloem & W. L. A. Hetterscheid. 2002. Typhonium watanabei (Araceae), a new species from Thailand.]. jap. Bot. 77:163-166. Sookchaloem, D. 1995. Typhonium (Araceae) in Thailand. Thai For. Bull. (Bot.) 23:18-39. Sriboonma, D., ]. Murata & K. Iwatsuki. 1994. A revision of Typhonium (Araceae). j. Fac. Sc. Univ. Tokyo, sec. III, 25(4):255-313.