

Guarianthe bowringiana- 365 days of orchids – day 1733

The first of our Guarianthe bowringiana clones is in flower. This exuberant orchid reminds me of our wonderful school expedition to Guatemala back in 2005 when this was one of the many species we found in the lowland forests around Yaxha.

Guarianthe bowringiana is native to Guatemala and Belize in Central America. and the plants we found we in open forest at around 300m altitude where the climate is hot and dryish – though when it rains there it really rains. Plants come into flower during autumn and winter and produce long spikes with many flowers from the robust pseudobulbs.

We find the species enjoys a basket of well draining compost but heavy water when in active growth during the summer. We hang plants higher (and so drier) in the roof of its Warm Americas Section for flowering and over the winter months until growth starts again in the spring.

Look our for our other clones of Guarianthe bowringiana over the next few weeks.


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