Fitzgerald River NP wildflowers

Barrens regelia (Regelia velutina) wildflower at Barrens Lookout near 4 Mile Campground in Fitzgerald River NP.

Fitzgerald River NP, one of the largest and most botanically significant national parks in Australia, contains a diversity of wildflowers. It has nearly 20% of Western Australia plant species, 62 of which are found nowhere else. Below are just only a few wildflowers that we have seen and identified.

Eastern side

Most of the wildflowers that you can see on the eastern side of the Fitzgerald River NP can be found around East Mount Barren, including Barrens Lookout.

Barrens Lookout

East Mount Barren

Western side of Fitzgerald River NP

Quaalup in the western side of Fitzgerald River NP is very rich flora.