What’s Blooming in the Garden: Week of January 24

What’s Blooming in the Garden: Week of January 24

This week’s new blooms begin before you even enter the Garden’s gates with stunning pink flowers on the pink trumpet trees in the parking lot, and they don’t stop there. The Aloe Collection has some beautiful bromeliads that you just can’t miss, and the blooms continue throughout the Garden. Take a listen to this week’s What’s Blooming by Georgiann Keller to find out what else you’ll see on your visit this week! 



Photos from the Garden

Pink trumpet tree
Pink trumpet tree

Coral aloe
Coral aloe

Front garden full of blooming Aloes and Aeonium
Front garden full of blooming Aloes and Aeonium

Mountain aloeMountain aloe

Bonsai and Japanese Garden statuary
Bonsai and Japanese Garden statuary

Bonsai and Japanese Garden statuary

Knife leafed acacia
Knife leafed acacia

Bromeliad (aechmea ornata Baker)
Bromeliad (aechmea ornata Baker)

Bromeliad (Billbergia nutans)
Bromeliad (Billbergia nutans)

Rosemary in the Mediterranean Garden
Rosemary in the Mediterranean Garden

Candelabra aloe
Candelabra aloe


Golden Mimosa
Golden Mimosa

The Garden relies on generous donations from our Members, visitors and community to keep access to our 87 acres open for all and to provide unique horticultural experiences that help people find connections with nature. Please help us continue this mission for years to come by considering a gift to the Garden. You can do so here


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