Nephelaphyllum pulchrum

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Nephelaphyllum is a genus with 12 species of orchids distributed in southern China, the Himalayas, Indochina, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. Some would consider this as jewel orchid due to it's stunning foilage.

💚Difficulty: Intermediate (little cultural info but doesn't seem too finicky, grows well with jewels, but would still recommend some experience with jewels or terrestrial plants)
🪴Size: Small to Medium
🌸 Blooms: 3 to 7 flowers on each inflorescence 
🌱 Grown by: Mericlones
🧬 GenusNephelaphyllum, Collabieae

*Cultural and care information is researched based on an average Nephelaphyllum.  We grow them typically with our jewel orchids in warm environment. Please adjust as plant reacts, recommend for experienced and experimental growers.  

🌡 Temp: IW to Warm
💧 Water: Consistent moisture
☁️Humidity: 40%-60% consistency is key but ensure airflow
💡 Light: Bright indirect (East Morning Light)
🌰 Media: Terrestrial orchid. Sphagnum Moss or potting mix with semi aeration, whichever is best to keep a consistent moisture for your style of growing
* There is a dormancy period for this plant. The plant you receive could be leafless or tuberous with leaf dieback.

*Images are for reference purposes only and may differ from the actual product. Due to variations of each individual plant, differences in monitors, colours of products may also appear different to those shown on the site. 

sunoochi from Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, CC BY 2.0 <>