HORTICULTURE — 2020 Perennial Plant of the Year

Aralia cordata ‘Sun King’ (Photo: Courtesy of Perennial Plant Association)
Aralia cordata ‘Sun King’ (Photo: Courtesy of Perennial Plant Association)

Aralia cordata ‘Sun King’ has a bold pop of glowing color and texture and could be the perfect anchor for a shade or part-shade landscape border. This plant has bright yellow shoots emerge in spring, then grows up to 6-feet tall and nearly as wide. The small, cream-colored umbels of flowers are attractive to bees and are followed by tiny, dark inedible drupes. Despite the Sun King’s stature, it is well behaved and has little to no reseeding or suckering. Native to Japan, Korea and southeast China.

Hardiness: USDA Zones 3–9.

Light: Part-shade to full-shade. A few hours of sun brings out the yellow; tends to be more chartreuse in deeper shade.

Soil: Not picky, but can wilt during dry spells, so provide additional water as necessary.

Uses: Terrific in combination with hosta, ferns and other shade perennials.

Maintenance: This is a low-maintenance deciduous perennial. Remove dead foliage after hard freeze. Supplemental water helps keep foliage from getting brown edges during a dry spell.

Source: Perennial Plant Association