5 Plants Discovered in Recent Years

Hannah M Swenson
3 min readAug 27, 2023

Earth is a very large planet and is full of new discoveries every year. Whether it be plants that have stayed hidden for thousands of years or a new hybrid has been released into the houseplant market, these plants deserved to be recognized.

A note, most of these listed plants that have recently been rediscovered due to extinction events in their native areas. Many of these plants only exist in specific environments that were destroyed from human interaction and were thought to be extinct or incredibly endangered.

So, without further ado, here is a list of 5 new plants discovered in the recent years:

Victoria boliviana

Now known as the Bolivian waterlily, this species was originally mistaken for a closely related species, Victoria amazonica. After 177 years, it is now recognized as its own species and is the largest waterlily in existence, at over 10 feet across.

Victoria boliviana

Trillium delicatum

Discovered in Georgia, this specific species was almost completely destroyed by wild hogs. In fact, there are only 4 four found groups of delicatum. Genetic markers are one of the only ways to definitively differentiate the species of Trillium. Notably, the scent produced by this specific flower is described to be comparable to the scent of dung.

Trillium delicatum

Schradera condorica

Schradera condorica was found by botanist Charlotte Taylor and is part of the coffee family. Found only in the Cordillera del Cóndor region of Ecuador and grows in that region's unique sandstone substrates. The fruits mimic that of tight honeycomb.

Polystichum yifanii

This newly discovered fern only grows in one cave that is likely to be demolished in place of a road expansion plan. Not much else can be told about this plant due to its ranking of “critically endangered” in the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Polystichum yifanii

Eugenia paranapanemensis

As of right now, there are 3 remaining mature trees of this type of myrtle tree. Currently growing in the Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, these trees are under constant deforestation threats. Paranapanemensis achieves heights of above 80 feet tall and has bright orange fruit.

Eugenia paranapanemensis

Honorable mention: Nasa colanii

This plant was very recently rediscovered after it had been seemingly forgotten about. It was first discovered in 1978 and was not captured again until 2019. Nasa colanii is in a very hard to get to region, a cloud forest in Peru’s Cordillera de Colán National Sanctuary. *No picture available due to its rarity. *


Forgotten tropical plants rediscovered after 100+ years with the help of community science (phys.org)

Ten Remarkable New Plants and Fungi Discovered in 2022 — Yale E360

10 New Plant Species Discovered by Garden Scientists in 2019 — Discover + Share (discoverandshare.org)

