Osmanthus delavayi
Common name: 
Delavay Osmanthus
Delavay Tea Olive
oz-MAN-thus del-AV-a-i
Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: 
  • Broadleaf evergreen shrub, 6-8 ft (1.8-2.4 m) tall, greater width, twiggy growth, well covered by foliage, neat, with graceful arching branches.  Leaves opposite, simple, ovate, small, 12-15 mm long, oval, finely toothed, glossy dark green.  Flowers white, numerous, small, ca. 12 x 12 mm, 4 reflexed lobes, fragrant.  Blue-black fruit, 12 mm long.
  • Sun or shade, well-drained soil
  • Hardy to USDA Zone 7      Native to western and southwestern China.  Introduced in France in 1890 by Abbe Delavay.
  • Osmanthus: from Greek osme, fragrance, and anthos, flowers. delavayi: after Abbè Jean Marie Delavay (1838-95), French missionary in China who introduced it to France in 1890.
  • Oregon State Univ. campus: south (west) Milam.
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    plant habit, flowering, small plants

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  • leaves and flowers, comparison

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