Question: How do I find these SMD footprints

I picked out different types of SMD LEDs and wrote down the metric component size. How do I find the footprint names for these SMD LEDs in the footprint assignment dialog?

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As a first attempt for finding footprint I usually open the Footprint Editor

It has a regular expression like search syntax, and for example just typing in “2835” finds a LED_SMD library with a LED_PLCC2835 footprint.

Once you’ve found the LED_SMD library, you can empty the search field and browse though all parts in that library.

“3014” only finds molex connectors.

It also has (and probably the right one) the 5050

For other simple rectangular LED’s with two pads I’d just look up the size in the datasheet and then copy another LED to a personal (project specific) library and modify it so it fits.

It does not matter much if you start from a copy of a similar part, or try to get your part from some internet website. You’d have to verify that your new footprint fits your purpose, and you need some library management to be able to handle the footprint in KiCad.


Thanks, now I understand how this is set up.

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