Brew Review – La Rubia by Wynwood Brewing

Quick Spanish lesson: Blonde in Spanish is ‘Rubia.’

It makes naming a Blonde ale something that is at once exotic and familiar pretty simple, doesn’t it?

That’s what Wynwood Brewing thought when they created La Rubia (Blonde Ale, 5% ABV, 18 IBU), one of their core beers and now available in bottles.


It’s a solid beer that hits every mark it needs to. There’s a wonderful golden color with a beautiful, white foamy head. The beer keeps a lot of that golden lightness from German Pilsner and British Crystal malts.

The Saaz hops give the beer a good, clean bite without making it oppressive or harsh. It’s very standard, but with the right amount of flavor that shows what craft beer can truly be.

And you get to learn a little Spanish to boot.

Drink Florida Craft,


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