Milky orchid

(Neotinea lactea)



It is a herbaceous plant 10-20 cm tall, with an erect stem cylindrical, light green in the lower part, purple in the upper one. The root system is characterized by the presence of two roundish roundabouts The basal leaves are elongated and joined into a rosette; the cauline leaves, 1 to 2, sheath the stem and have a pointed vertex. It has an inflorescence in spike cylindrical, quite dense 10-30 flowers. The tepals are white, welded to form a helmet, with red longitudinal ribs inside and greenish on the outside. The labellumit is three-lobed with a serrated margin and a white to pink background, speckled with purplish red; the median lobe is longer than the lateral ones and is slightly kneed at the base. The spur is conical, facing downwards

Taxonomic tree:

Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Liliopsida
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