<- Grant 1993b (Article) Tillandsia

True Tillandsias misplaced in Vriesea (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae)

Author(s):J.R. Grant

Publication:Phytologia 75(2): 170-175. (1993)

Abstract:—The genus Tillandsia, as I defïne it, is restricted to three species groups of Tillandsia subgenus Tillandsia sensu Gardner (1989), Tillandsia subgenus Pseudalcantarea sensu Smith & Downs (1977), and the twenty-six taxa I here remove from Vriesea and transfer or replace in Tillandsia. Ten new combinations are necessary: Tillandsia andreettae (Rauh) J.R. Grant, T. boeghii (Luther) J.R. Grant, T. curvispica (Rauh) J.R. Grant, T. drewii (L.B. Smith) J.R. Grant, T. limonensis (Rauh) J.R. Grant, T. olmosana (L.B. Smith) J.R. Grant, T. olmosana (L.B. Smith) J.R. Grant var. pachamamae (Rauh) J.R.Grant, T. penduliscapa (Rauh) J.R. Grant, T. strobelii (Rauh) J.R. Grant, and T. tillandsioides (L.B. Smith) J.R. Grant.
In addition, four new names are proposed: Tillandsia peruviana J.R. Grant to replace Vriesea sagasteguti L.B. Smith (1968), non Tillandsia sagasteguii L.B. Smith (1963), Tillandsia porphyrocraspeda J.R. Grant to replace Vriesea cylindrica L.B. Smith (1951), non Tillandsia cylindrica S. Watson (1891), Tillandsia werneriana J.R. Grant to replace Vriesea rauhii L.B. Smith (1958), non Tillandsia rauhii L.B. Smith (1958), and Tillandsia yaconorensis J.R. Grant to replace Vriesea koideae Rauh (1992), non Tillandsia koideae Rauh k E. Gross (1991).

Keywords:—Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae, Tillandsia, Vriesea

Published names (14):
Tillandsia andreettae
Tillandsia boeghii
Tillandsia curvispica
Tillandsia drewii
Tillandsia limonensis
Tillandsia olmosana
Tillandsia olmosana var. pachamamae
Tillandsia penduliscapa
Tillandsia peruviana
Tillandsia porphyrocraspeda
Tillandsia strobeliae
Tillandsia tillandsioides
Tillandsia werneriana
Tillandsia yaconorensis

Taxonomy:Tillandsia andreettae Formerly 15-228.1 Vriesea andreettae (p.75(2):171).—Tillandsia arpocalyx Formerly treated as a synonym of Vriesea arpocalyx (André) L.B.Smith in Smith & Downs (1977) et Bromel, Andreanae (1889) 101 t. 38 (p.75(2):171).—Tillandsia barclayana Formerly treated as a synonym of 15-241 Vriesea barclayana (Baker) L.B.Smith in Smith & Downs (1977) et Handb. Bromel. (1889) 171 (p.75(2):172).—Tillandsia boeghii Formerly 15-166.1 Vriesea boeghii (p.75(2):172).—Tillandsia boeghii Transfered to Tillandsia boeghii (p.75(2):172).—Tillandsia boeghii Formerly 15-229.1 Vriesea boeghii (p.75(2):172).—Tillandsia cereicola Formerly treated as a synonym of 15-228 Vriesea cereicola (Mez) L.B.Smith in Smith & Downs (1977) (p.75(2):172).—Tillandsia curvispica Formerly treated as a synonym of 15-241.1 s1 Vriesea curvispica (p.75(2):172).—Tillandsia drewii Formely 15-166 Vriesea drewii in Smith & Downs (p.75(2):172).—Tillandsia harmsiana Formerly treated as a synonym of Vriesea harmsiana (L.B.Smith) L.B.Smith in Smith & Downs (1977) (p.75(2):172).—Tillandsia hitchcockiana Formerly treated as a synonym of Vriesea hitchcockiana (L.B.Smith) L.B.Smith in Smith & Downs (1977) (p.75(2):172).—Tillandsia incurva Formerly treated as a synonym of Vriesea incurva (Grisebach) R.W.Read in Smith & Downs (1977) (p.75(2):172).—Tillandsia limonensis Formerly as 15-235.1 Vriesea limonensis (p.75(2):173).—Tillandsia olmosana Formerly as 15-230 Vriesea olmosana in Smith & Downs (p.75(2):173).—Tillandsia olmosana var. pachamamae Formerly as 15-230b Vriesea olmosana var. pachamamae in Smith & Downs (p.75(2):173).—Tillandsia patula Formerly treated as a synonym of Vriesea patula (Mez) L.B.Smith in Smith & Downs (1977) (p.75(2):173).—Tillandsia penduliscapa Formerly as 15-227.1 Vriesea penduliscapa (p.75(2):173).—Tillandsia pereziana Formerly treated as a synonym of Vriesea pereziana (André) L.B.Smith in Smith & Downs (1977) et Bromel. Andreanae (1889) 80 t. 28 (p.75(2):173).—Tillandsia peruviana Formerly as 15-232 Vriesea sagasteguii in Smith & Downs (p.75(2):173).—Tillandsia petraea Formerly treated as a synonym of Vriesea petraea (L.B.Smith) L.B.Smith in Smith & Downs (1977) (p.75(2):173).—Tillandsia porphyrocraspeda New name for Vriesea cylindrica (p.75(2):173).—Tillandsia robusta Formerly treated as a synonym of Vriesea robusta (Grisebach) L.B.Smith in Smith & Downs (1977) (p.75(2):174).—Tillandsia strobeliae Formerly as 15-236.1 Vriesea strobeliae (p.75(2):174).—Tillandsia tequendamae Formerly treated as a synonym of Vriesea tequendamae André in Smith & Downs (1977, 15-236 s2) et Bromel. Andreanae (1889) 103 t. 36. (p.75(2):174).—Tillandsia tillandsioides Formerly as 15-234 Vriesea tillandsioides in Smith & Downs (p.75(2):174).—Tillandsia werneriana Formerly as 15-225 Vriesea rauhii in Smith & Downs (p.75(2):174).—Tillandsia yaconorensis Formerly 15-170.1 Vriesea koideae (p.75(2):174).—Vriesea andreettae Transfered to Tillandsia andreettae (p.75(2):171).—Vriesea arpocalyx Transfered to Tillandsia arpocalyx (p.75(2):171).—Vriesea barclayana Transfered to Tillandsia barclayana (p.75(2):171).—Vriesea castaneobulbosa Recognized as Tillandsia castaneobulbosa Mez & Wercklé again (p.75(2):172).—Vriesea cereicola Transfered to Tillandsia cereicola (p.75(2):172).—Vriesea curvispica Transfered to Tillandsia curvispica (p.75(2):172).—Vriesea cylindrica Transfered to Tillandsia porphyrocraspeda (p.75(2):173).—Vriesea drewii Transfered to Tillandsia drewii (p.75(2):172).—Vriesea drewii Transfered to Tillandsia drewii (p.75(2):172).—Vriesea harmsiana Transfered to Tillandsia harmsiana (p.75(2):172).—Vriesea hitchcockiana Transfered to Tillandsia hitchcockiana (p.75(2):172).—Vriesea incurva Transfered to Tillandsia incurva (p.75(2):172).—Vriesea koideae Transfered to Tillandsia yaconorensis (p.75(2):174).—Vriesea limonensis Transfered to Tillandsia limonensis (p.75(2):173).—Vriesea olmosana Transfered to Tillandsia olmosana in Smith & Downs (p.75(2):173).—Vriesea olmosana var. pachamamae Transfered to Tillandsia olmosana var. pachamamae (p.75(2):173).—Vriesea patula Transfered to Tillandsia patula (p.75(2):172).—Vriesea penduliscapa Transfered to Tillandsia penduliscapa (p.75(2):173).—Vriesea pereziana Transfered to Tillandsia patula (p.75(2):172).—Vriesea pereziana var. canescens Transfered to Tillandsia pereziana var. canescens (p.75(2):171).—Vriesea petraea Transfered to Tillandsia petraea (p.75(2):172).—Vriesea rauhii Transfered to Tillandsia werneriana (p.75(2):174).—Vriesea robusta Transfered to Tillandsia robusta (p.75(2):172).—Vriesea sagasteguii Transfered to Tillandsia, nom.nov. T. peruviana (p.75(2):173).—Vriesea strobeliae Transfered to Tillandsia strobeliae (p.75(2):174).—Vriesea tillandsioides Transfered to Tillandsia tillandsioides (p.75(2):174).