Barringtonia sarcostachys (Blume) Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1: 490 (1855)

Latin for 'fleshy flowers', referring to the inflorescence.

Barringtonia anacardifolia Ridl.
Barringtonia dolichobotrys Merr.
Barringtonia dolichophylla Merr.
Barringtonia sarcostachys forma dolichophylla (Merr.) Payens
Doxomma sarcostachys (Blume) Miers
Stravadium sarcostachys Blume

Small tree to tree up to 40 m tall and 50 cm diameter. Bark cracked, fissured, brown, reddish brown grey, greenish brown, or blackish mottled, inner bark pink or white. Sapwood yellow or white. Twigs stout, 8-15 mm diameter. Stipules absent. Leaves alternate, densely crowded at twig tip (terminalia like growth form), obovate (widest point at upper half of the leaf), 2-100 x 4.5-15 cm, tapering towards very short petiole. Forming pendulus (hanging) inflorescences, (24-)42-130(-180) cm long, with white flowers that open at night and then form a puff-ball of red-white stamens. Flowers are dropped in the morning. Petals relatively narrow and connected along a ring where the long stamens originate. Fruits ovoid to subglobular, 5-11 x 3.5-7.5 cm, rarely pear-shaped, with truncate base.

In undisturbed forests up to 500 m elevation.

Bark is used as fish poison. The tree is sometimes planted as an ornamental.

Borneo and Sumatra.

Local names
Borneo: Tampalang (Sabah), Langkong (Iban), Putat (Malay), Tubai langkong (Iban).