Thursday, February 29, 2024

[Botany • 2023] Allium sphaeronixum (Amaryllidaceae) • A New Species of Allium sect. Codonoprasum from Turkey


Inflorescences and flower details of (A, B) Allium sphaeronixum Koçyiğit, Salmeri, Özhatay, Kaya & Brullo, 
 (C) A. staticiforme, and (E) A. myrianthum  
in Koçyiğit, Salmeri, Özhatay, Kaya et Brullo, 2023. 
Kartopu Soğanı  ||  DOI: 10.3390/plants12112074

In this paper, Allium sphaeronixum, a new species of the sect. Codonoprasum from Turkey, is described and illustrated. The new species is endemic to Central Anatolia, limited to the area of Nevşehir, where it grows on sandy or rocky soil at an elevation of 1000–1300 m a.s.l. Its morphology, phenology, karyology, leaf anatomy, seed testa micromorphology, chorology, and conservation status are examined in detail. The taxonomic relationships with the closest allied species, A. staticiforme and A. myrianthum, are also highlighted and discussed.

Keywords: Anatolia; endemic; sect. Codonoprasum; karyology; leaf anatomy; taxonomy; seed micromorphology

 Inflorescences and flower details of Allium sphaeronixum (A, B),
A. staticiforme (C, D), and A. myrianthum (E, F).

 Diagnostic features of Allium sphaeronixum.
 (A) Habit. (B) Flowers. (C) Open perigon and stamens. (D) Ovary. (E) Anther. (F) Capsule. (G) Spathe valves.
 Illustration by S. Brullo based on living material from the type locality.

Allium sphaeronixum Koçyiğit, Salmeri, Özhatay, Kaya and Brullo sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Allio myriantho similis, sed scapo ad 1/2 longitudinem vaginis foliorum tecto, foliis 3-4, lamina latiore, valvis spathae inaequalibus, tepalis albo-roseis, subaequalibus, longioribus, filamentis staminorum longioribus, antheris brevioribus, ovario breviter stipitate, longiore, stylo longiore, capsula maiore.

Etymology: The specific epithet, coming from the Latin words sphaera ball and nix snow, refers to the globose whitish inflorescence resembling a snowball (Figure 2A).

Suggested Turkish name: The Turkish name of this species is suggested as ‘Kartopu Soğanı’.

Mine Koçyiğit, Cristina Salmeri, Neriman Özhatay, Erdal Kaya and Salvatore Brullo. 2023. Allium sphaeronixum (Amaryllidaceae), A New Species from Turkey. Plants. 12(11): 2074. DOI: 10.3390/plants12112074