subject:"Nature / Ecology" from
Written as a series of sketches based principally upon the flora and fauna in a rural part of Wisconsin, the book, originally published by Oxford in 1949, gathers informal pieces written by Leopold over a forty-year period as he traveled ...
subject:"Nature / Ecology" from
"This is a highly significant--one might argue revolutionary--book.
subject:"Nature / Ecology" from
This time around the cataclysm is us. In this book the author tells us why and how human beings have altered life on the planet in a way no species has before.
subject:"Nature / Ecology" from
The essential, cornerstone book of modern environmentalism is now offered in a handsome 40th anniversary edition which features a new Introduction by activist Terry Tempest Williams and a new Afterword by Carson biographer Linda Lear.
subject:"Nature / Ecology" from
Weisman, an award-winning journalist, offers readers a penetrating--and sometimes terrifying--take on how the planet would respond without the relentless pressure of the human presence.
subject:"Nature / Ecology" from
This collection of essays historicizes the divorce of the 'natural' from the human, and shows that 'nature' is a human construction, arguing that what we have constructed we can reconstruct.
subject:"Nature / Ecology" from
The book that launched environmental history, William Cronon's Changes in the Land, now revised and updated.
subject:"Nature / Ecology" from
The distinctive, definitive BERGER touch is evident throughout her new textbook, Invitation to the Life Span.
subject:"Nature / Ecology" from
In this fascinating, provocative, passionate, funny, endlessly entertaining work, renowned Pulitzer Prize winning author and scientist Jared Diamond explores how the extraordinary human animal, in a remarkably short time, developed the ...
subject:"Nature / Ecology" from
" With this gift edition of A Sand County Almanac, a new generation of readers can walk beside one of America's most respected naturalists as he conveys the beauty of a marsh before sunrise or the wealth of history to be found in an ancient ...