subject:"Design / General" from
This book explores the theory and practice of design justice, demonstrates how universalist design principles and practices erase certain groups of people—specifically, those who are intersectionally disadvantaged or multiply burdened ...
subject:"Design / General" from
In Mindblindness, Simon Baron-Cohen presents a model of the evolution and development of "mindreading.
subject:"Design / General" from
These mismatches are the building blocks of exclusion. In Mismatch, Kat Holmes describes how design can lead to exclusion, and how design can also remedy exclusion.
subject:"Design / General" from
An Introduction to Modern Vehicle Design starts from basic principles and builds up analysis procedures for all major aspects of vehicle and component design.
subject:"Design / General" from
This book displays and dissects the career and design motives of graphic designer Joost Grootens. In a systematic fashion it charts the first 100 books designed by Grootens over the past ten years.
subject:"Design / General" from
"This book presents for the first time in English an array of essays on design by the seminal Czech-born media critic and philosopher Vilem Flusser.
subject:"Design / General" from
The Decoration of Houses isa significant bookof interior design written by Edith Wharton with architect Ogden Codman and was first published in 1897. Both authors were members of the upper crust of society in New York.
subject:"Design / General" from
Of his own theory, Goethe was supremely confident: “From the philosopher, we believe we merit thanks for having traced the phenomena of colours to their first sources, to the circumstances under which they appear and are, and beyond which ...
subject:"Design / General" from
Bringing together scholars working in a variety of disciplines, this book provides a critical introduction for students interested in material culture, history and historical methodologies.
subject:"Design / General" from
This book contains four sections, including a brief introduction to UX research, planning and preparation, facilitating research, and analysis and reporting.