subject:"Computers / Systems Architecture / General" from
Writing code is easy. Managing humans is not. You need a book to help you do it, and this is it.
subject:"Computers / Systems Architecture / General" from
" This book offers discourse and practical advice on the privacy issue in the age of big data, the rise of Facebook nation, and Total Information Awareness.
subject:"Computers / Systems Architecture / General" from
"This book presents current research on all aspects of domain-specific language for scholars and practitioners in the software engineering fields, providing new results and answers to open problems in DSL research"--
subject:"Computers / Systems Architecture / General" from
To accomplish that, they need to connect the IT engine room to the penthouse, where the business strategy is defined. In this guide, author Gregor Hohpe shares real-world advice and hard-learned lessons from actual IT transformations.
subject:"Computers / Systems Architecture / General" from
The text presents fundamental concepts and foundational techniques such as processor design, pipelined processors, memory and I/O systems, and especially superscalar organization and implementations.
subject:"Computers / Systems Architecture / General" from
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
subject:"Computers / Systems Architecture / General" from
Computer Architecture: Fundamentals and Principles of Computer Design discusses the fundamental principles of computer design and performance enhancement that have proven effective and demonstrates how current trends in architecture and ...
subject:"Computers / Systems Architecture / General" from
This original text provides comprehensive coverage of parallel algorithms and architectures, beginning with fundamental concepts and continuing through architectural variations and aspects of implementation.
subject:"Computers / Systems Architecture / General" from
Provides information on how computer systems operate, how compilers work, and writing source code.
subject:"Computers / Systems Architecture / General" from
This authoritative volume provides an optimal description of the principles and applications of computer network security in particular, and cyberspace security in general.