Useful tips are given, for example, on "designing" a study as it unfolds, establishing "trustworthiness," and writing a case report. This book helps researchers "both to understand and to do naturalistic inquiry.
In this volume the contributors locate the field, providing historical context and background on applied qualitative research, the 'self' and the 'other', and the politics and ethics of qualitative inquiry.
" "This text is designed for graduate students taking classes in social research methods and qualitative methods as well as researchers throughout the social sciences and in some fields within the humanities.
Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry, Third Edition, the second volume in the paperback version of The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research, 3rd Edition, consists of Part III of the handbook ("Strategies of Inquiry").
Dealing with Empirical Materials and Interpretations focuses on the task of collecting, analysing and interpreting qualitative materials using document analysis, interviews, computers and visual materials.
Outlines the basic principles and practices of constructivism for use in social sciences, the final work of leading constructivist theorist Egon Guba and his partner Yvonna Lincoln.