The protagonist of the story is Peter Delvecchio, the manager of a regional ice cream company, who is determined to sell its ice cream to a flourishing national grocery chain, Natural Foods.
Quality guru Subir Chowdhury introduces his groundbreaking new process In The Power of LEO, Chowdhury outlines a simple, three-part strategy for building continuous quality improvement every business operation, which he calls LEO: Listen to ...
Six Sigma in manufacturing is only half the story. This book uncovers the biggest management theory of the last 2 years, and explains why Six Sigma in design is where the money is.
The ideas and training are exactly the same. What is the difference? The difference, Chowdhury explains, is the ability to nurture the skills, loyalty and passion of the people who make up an organization.
At a time when Talent is the scarcest and most costly resource for most organizations, this book provides insights as to how you can maximize your investment and potential in your people. All managers and leaders should read this book!
Robust Engineering, by this three-time Deming Prize winner, along with Subir Chowdhury and Shin Taguchi, is the first book to explain and illustrate his newest, most revolutionary methodology, Technology Development.
Organization 21C: Someday All Organizations Will Lead This Way brings together 19 all-new essays by the world's leading management thinkers, covering every key driver of organizational success: leadership, process, people, and ...
This book is a valuable resource for emerging leaders." –John J. Donahoe, Worldwide Managing Director Bain & Company "This compelling handbook weaves the best thinking on contemporary leadership and business strategies into a cogent, ...
Management guru Subir Chowdhury has made a superb contribution." Michael George, Chairman, George Group - a leading Six Sigma Consulting Firm "It takes a short period of time to read this book.