9781728158266 from
The intended readers of this book are graduate students, researchers and practitioners in all fields of science and engineering who are interested in evolutionary computation. The book is divided into six parts.
9781728158266 from
In this volume, leading experts present current achievements in the forefront of research in the challenging field of chaos in circuits and systems, with emphasis on engineering perspectives, methodologies, circuitry design techniques, and ...
9781728158266 from
This book outlines current research into the scientific modeling, experimentation, and remedial measures for advancing the reliability, availability, system robustness, and maintainability of PECS at different levels of complexity.
9781728158266 from
IWBF is an international forum devoted to facilitating synergies in research and development among the areas of biometric recognition, multimedia forensics, forensic biometrics, and forensic science
9781728158266 from
The Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC) as an initiative of serving power electronics conferences society to southern hemisphere and relatively underserved part of the world will be held in Singapore that cooperate with the ...
9781728158266 from
This book provides an overview of the origins, repercussions and projected future of the ongoing Gulf crisis, as well as an analysis of the major issues and debates relating to it.
9781728158266 from
The book examines the well-established field of ‘law and development’ and asks whether the concept of development and discourses on law and development have outlived their usefulness.
9781728158266 from
This book considers the contemporary challenges facing the field, the politics and processes of identifying and demarcating 'sites of research', and the ethics and pedagogical applications of LL research.
9781728158266 from
This book describes practical issues related to the design and implementation of these control circuits, and is divided into three parts - analogue control circuits, digital control circuits, and new trends in control circuits.
9781728158266 from
The book highlights new imaginaries required to transcend traditional approaches to law and development.