9780444532275 from
Plenary Lectures. Topic 1 -- Off-Line Systems. Topic 2 -- On-Line Systems. Topic 3 -- Computational & Numerical Solutions Strategies. Topic 4 -- Integrated And Multiscale Modelling And Simulation. Topic 5 -- Cape For The Users!
9780444532275 from
This book presents the abstracts of the 19th International Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry (19th ICHC) held in Fort Collins, Colorado, 10-15th August 2003 and provides the reader with a topical comprehensive reference source covering the ...
9780444532275 from
This volume encourages a leap forward in the field of mixing by the current, overwhelming wealth of sophisticated measuring and computational techniques.
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This book presents the papers from the latest international conference, following on from the highly successful previous conferences in this series held regularly since 1978.
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This book presents the papers from the 10th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery.
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The ESCAPE series serves as a forum for engineers, scientists, researchers, managers and students to present and discuss progress being made in the area of computer aided process engineering (CAPE).
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While the PSE community continues its focus on understanding, synthesizing, modeling, designing, simulating, analyzing, diagnosing, operating, controlling, managing, and optimizing a host of chemical and related industries using the systems ...
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This book includes papers presented at ESCAPE-10, the 10th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process -Engineering, held in Florence, Italy, 7-10th May, 2000.
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The focus of this book is on using ASP.NET and the .NET mobile SDK. It provides an introduction to the .NET platform and goes into moderate details on ASP.NET to allow readers to start developing ASP.NET applications.
9780444532275 from
The basics of biological taxonomy are introduced, along with photographs of all major groups. Important new and controversal issues make this edition key for every primatologists, anthropologist, and anatomist.