16191560 from
... 1619 . 1560. - 1619 . 1560. - 1619 . 1560. - 16 19 . 1200. - 1259 . 1560. - 1619 . 1500. - 1559 . PDC 0013 4 4 915 . 468 . 1590 . 780 . 480.- 539 . PDC 0015 30 32 1020 . 356 . 1590 . 1020 . 300.- 359 . PDC 0019 5 5 918 . 130 . 1050 ...
16191560 from
... 16191560. Schreiber, S.J., S., Gottschalk, S., Weih, M., Villringer, A., & Valdueza, J. M. (2000). Assessment of blood flow velocity and diameter of the middle cerebral artery during the acetazolamide provocation test by use of ...
16191560 from
... 16 , 1915 , 60 days to January October 27 , 1914 , 60 days to January February 25 , 1915 , 60 days to May April June October 1 , 1916 December 23 , 1915 , 90 days to April 1 , 1916 March June 18 , 1916 , 90 days to July 24 , 1916 , 90 ...
16191560 from
... 16 , 1915 , 60 days , remove . 100-102 N. Eastern , Sept 16 , 1915 , 60 days , remove . Four gasoline orders have been complied with . No reports on eleven others . New Albany . North east corner of Pearl and Elm , Nov. 24 , 1915 ...
16191560 from
... 16 . 1915-60 : Maximum discharge , 230,000 cfs Sept. 17 , 1936 ( gage height , 46.6 ft , from floodmarks ) , from rating curve extended above 51,000 cfs on basis of slope - area meas- urements at gage heights 42.6 and 46.6 ft ; no flow ...
16191560 from
... 16 1,915 60 , 557 799 , 117 1930 . 7 154 64 , 718 781 , 646 1931 . 3 74 23 , 010 4.700 399 , 037 1932 . 4 888 162 , 693 580 , 670 1933 . 8 162 39 , 136 664 , 044 1934 . 10 1,369 14 , 000 2,946 , 000 3,067 49 , 336 6 , 395 $ 20,000 2 ...
16191560 from
... 16/1915 .60 11 / 0745 + 2.40 16/1930 .60 11 / 0800 + 2.60 16/1930 .60 11 / 0900 + 3.60 16/2000 .70 11 / 1000 + 4.40 16 / 2100 + .80 11 / 1300 + 6.40 16 / 2400 + CHUUK WSO AP FENA LAKE GUAM WSMO 1.16 10/1800 1.27 10/1900 1.57 18/0600 ...
16191560 from
... 16191560 83790 83790 817102 017102 762657 762652 607,45 4578860 4437125 571392 5713920 542281 5422010 84196 KG 275 84198 275 84198 TABLE 1 - INDIA'S EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES - COMMODITIES ARTICLE सारणी 1 - देशों - पण्यों ...
16191560 from
... 16 , 1915 . 60 Wall Street , New York City . Dear Mr. Newcombe : The plan for settling the matter of the disputed measurement of logs sold to Kenyon Lumber Com- pany from the Moose Pond property has not yet received the approval of all ...
16191560 from
... 16 1915 60 - .80 May 1956 . .65 - .75 80 June 1965- 65 - .75 .70 ( 3 ) September 1961 July 1964 . November 1963 .. August 1964 and July 1965 . Women and minors . Do. Men , women , and minors Do. Women and minors . Women and girls . Do ...