Over 1.7 million animals, including mice, rats, birds, fish, monkeys, dogs, and horses, are subjected to horrific procedures on UK campuses every year.
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Animal research plays an essential role in our understanding of health and disease and in the development of modern medicines and surgical techniques.
Research using animals is a small part of the University's overall programme of biomedical research. The majority of research is carried out using either in- ...
We uncovered the terrible plight of animals used in research at this “world-leading” UK university.
Animal research is regulated internally by the University's Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body (AWERB) and must be licensed and approved by the Home Office.
Some universities, far from embracing the future of science, are still conducting archaic and scientifically unreliable animal experiments.
UCL is a world-leading medical research institution and animal research forms a relatively small but vital proportion of our work.
Animal research in the UK is strictly regulated. For more details on the regulations governing research using animals, go to the UK regulations page.
Jan 25, 2024 · All of our animal research is carried out in accordance with UK law, under strict Home Office regulations.
Animal welfare in research At the University, we've established standards and governance for animal research based upon a culture of care and ethical conduct.