Metafields help you to customize the functionality and appearance of your Shopify store by letting you save specialized information that isn't usually captured ...
The Update shop metafield action adds a metafield to the shop that triggers the workflow, or updates an existing metafield on that shop.
People also ask
How to get shop metafields in Shopify?
How to use metafields in Shopify?
What is the difference between Metafields and metaobjects in Shopify?
How do I see all Metafields in Shopify?
May 29, 2024 · Conversations about creating, managing, and using metafields to store and retrieve custom data for apps and themes.
May 3, 2023 · Hi, how can I (by using the Web-user-interface) add a metafield that all components of my shop can use? That would be a metafield associated ...
Metafields are a flexible way for your app to add and store additional information about a Shopify resource, such as a product, a collection, and many other ...
Viewing product metafields. You can view your products' metafield information from the Shopify POS app. Steps: From the Shopify POS app, tap ≡ > Products.