Apr 26, 2023 ˇ One of the actions we have taken was to enable X-Ray service in ... x-amzn-ErrorType=InternalServerErrorException}" Gateway response ...
API Gateway handles these errors by mapping the Lambda error to an HTTP error response, according to the specified statusCode.
Mar 25, 2021 ˇ When i try to access the API (eg. via RapidAPI) i get this errors:502 Bad Gateway"messages":"The API is unreachable, please contact the API provider""info":" ...
Mar 18, 2024 ˇ Hi everyone, I am working on a small cloud project, the goal of it is to invoke a Lambda function throughout Amazon API Gateway.
May 20, 2023 ˇ Hello dev,. I initialized aws amplify application with default configuration. After that I added Storage (Dynamo DB) and added some column and ...
Jun 27, 2022 ˇ I have faced the following errors. { "message": "Internal server error" } {"x-amzn-ErrorType":["InternalServerErrorException"]} < ...
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Turn on Amazon CloudWatch Logs to troubleshoot API Gateway errors. For Log level, choose INFO to generate execution logs for all requests.
Oct 31, 2022 ˇ Can you confirm you're facing the timeout issue at the first invocation only? If you're facing it at every create-cluster invocation, can you ...
Aug 13, 2017 ˇ The error is happening when API Gateway is attempting to “render” the response - everything is fine in your code, but getting 500s on the client.