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pytho·gen·ic. ¦pīthə¦jenik, ¦pith- : produced by or originating from decomposition or filth. typhoid has been considered a pythogenic fever.
Pythogenic definition: originating from filth or putrescence.. See examples of PYTHOGENIC used in a sentence.
Definition of 'pythogenic'. COBUILD frequency band. pythogenic in American English. (ˌpaiθəˈdʒenɪk, ˌpɪθə-). adjective. originating from filth or putrescence.
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(Medicine) obsolete created by the decomposition of organic material. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 ...
It is an origin for systems who were formed as a product of abuse, with the "pytho" root meaning filth, in order to insult the abuser.
pythogenic: Produced by filth: specifically applied to a class of diseases, as typhoid, the occurrence of which is favored by filth, especially by a ...
Noun. pythogenesis (uncountable) (medicine, obsolete) The production of disease by filth.
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Usually means: Originating from or caused by Python. Definitions [Related words] [Mentions] [History]. We found 12 dictionaries that define the word pythogenic:
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How to define Pythogenic? Pythogenic definition, meaning and example sentences.
Produced by filth. a pythogenic fever. Anagrams for pythogenic ». typhogenic. phytogenic. How to pronounce pythogenic?