We need to safeguard the health and rights of young people caught up in the justice system. Take action towards systemic reform with us.
Aug 14, 2024 ˇ Between 2000-2020, there has been a 77% decline in youth incarceration. However, racial and ethnic disparities persist.
Oct 6, 2023 ˇ Joshua Rovner manages a portfolio of juvenile justice issues for The Sentencing Project, including juveniles sentenced to life without parole, ...
Between 2000 (the peak year) and 2022, the number of youth held in juvenile justice facilities on a typical day fell from. 108,800 to 27,600, a 75% decline, ...
Mar 20, 2024 ˇ Jurisdictions across the country are advancing reforms to expand and improve diversion, demonstrating diversion's potential to transform youth justice.
Get the facts on the benefits of diverting youth from the juvenile justice system and tools to implement diversion programs in your state.
The Juvenile Sentencing Project provides information relating to long prison sentences imposed on children.
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Mar 1, 2023 ˇ Youth incarceration undermines public safety, damages young people's physical and mental health, impedes their educational and career ...
YSRP creates tools and provides trainings for defense attorneys to raise the level of representation for youth charged in adult courts and Juvenile Lifers ...
Nov 9, 2023 ˇ Proven reforms state and local youth justice systems should adopt to reduce youth incarceration and maximize youth success.