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In this podcast Sue and Katie discuss the damaging power of the scarcity mindset and our whole sense that there isn't enough. Scarcity leads to mistrust and ...
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This episode offers listeners a chance to reflect on their own life vision and spiritual goals, encouraging a shift in perspective to create lasting change.
Follow me as I share my personal, intimate and open insight on issues relating to mental health, relationships, religion, work and everything else in between.
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“This podcast is amazing. Not only has it given me a better understanding of my children and how to be a better parent, but it has also given me a better ...
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Counselor and author Rita Schulte discusses mental health with industry-leading Christian counselors, authors, and ordinary people struggling with real-life ...
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“Absolutely LOVE this podcast. Love that he always gets straight to the point, is very clear and practical and gives great supporting context for every ...
David Bayer is the real deal and this podcast is amazing! The coop thing about David, is he's on this journey with us, he isn't perfect and doesn't claim to be.
On this episode, hosts Robert J. Marks and Angus Menuge welcome Dr. Mihretu Guta to discuss his contribution to the recent volume Minding the Brain.
Listen to Transform your Mind on Spotify. Transform your Mind the #1 personal development podcast for women, is a weekly podcast about life.