1 Pound sterling =
1.31 United States Dollar
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Convert British Pound to US Dollar ; 1 GBP, 1.31268 USD ; 5 GBP, 6.56342 USD ; 10 GBP, 13.1268 USD ; 25 GBP, 32.8171 USD.
Current exchange rate BRITISH POUND (GBP) to US DOLLAR (USD) including currency converter, buying & selling rate and historical conversion chart.
Download Our Currency Converter App ; 1 USD, 0.76295 GBP ; 5 USD, 3.81476 GBP ; 10 USD, 7.62951 GBP ; 20 USD, 15.25902 GBP.
3 days ago · Convert British pounds to US dollars ; 1 GBP, 1.28 USD ; 5 GBP, 6.41 USD ; 10 GBP, 12.81 USD ; 20 GBP, 25.62 USD.
The current rate of GBPUSD is 1.30925 USD — it has decreased by −0.17% in the past 24 hours. See more of GBPUSD rate dynamics on the detailed chart.
Find the latest GBP/USD (GBPUSD=X) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing.
Find the current British Pound US Dollar rate and access to our GBP USD converter, charts, historical data, news, and more.
British Pounds to US Dollars conversion rates ; 1 USD, 0.76 GBP ; 5 USD, 3.80 GBP ; 10 USD, 7.60 GBP ; 25 USD, 19.02 GBP.
British Pounds to US Dollars conversion rates ; 1 USD, 0.76 GBP ; 5 USD, 3.80 GBP ; 10 USD, 7.60 GBP ; 25 USD, 19.02 GBP.