She is a patron saint of music and of musicians. According to a late 5th-century legend, she was a noble Roman who, as a child, had vowed her virginity to God. When she was married against her will to the future saint Valerian, then a pagan, she told him that an angel of God wished her to remain a virgin.
Sep 30, 2024
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St. Cecilia is renowned as the patron saint of musicians, poets, and all who appreciate the power of music.
Nov 22, 2023 · Cecilia was a young woman executed for being a Christian. Her bravery made her a legend and a saint! Here are 5 facts you need to know!
Jul 20, 2024 · Saint Cecilia (Latin: Sancta Caecilia), also spelled Cecelia, was a Roman virgin martyr and is venerated in Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, ...
Nov 22, 2023 · Saint Cecilia was one of the most revered early virgin martyrs of Rome, as evidenced by her name appearing in the Roman Canon of the Mass.
St. Cecilia was not known or venerated in Rome until about the time when Pope Gelasius (496) introduced her name into his Sacramentary.
All we know for certain about Saint Cecilia is that she lived, was a follower of Christ, and died a martyr. Even the year of her death is disputed. Some place ...
Sep 18, 2024 · 01St. Cecilia is the Patron Saint of Music. 02St. Cecilia's Feast Day is Celebrated with Music Festivals. 03St. Cecilia's Relics are Housed in ...
St. Cecilia is the patroness of musicians and Church music because, as she was dying, she sang to God.
Saint Cecilia lived in Italy in the early 200's AD. She had sworn to stay chaste, but contrary to her plans she was arranged to marry a man named. Valerian.