To "meander" means to "wander at random," and to "maunder" means to "speak in a rambling way." Did you Know? Sometimes a word doesn't have a traceable origin.
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Define Maunder, Maunder Meaning, Maunder Examples, Maunder Synonyms, Maunder Images, Maunder Vernacular, Maunder Usage, Maunder Rootwords.
Present participle of MAUNDER: wander aimlessly. -- WordNet 3.0. Present participle of MAUNDER ... Google:Define MAUNDERING · MAUNDERING ...or start ...
Dec 4, 2017 · The Maunder ... Here, we use surface air temperature reconstructions to define the LIA start and end times with reduced regional variability.
Get the amelie maunder mug. More random definitions. UrbanDictionaryis writtenby you. Define a Word · Twitter · Facebook · Help · Subscribe. © 1999-2024 Urban ...
For each solar cycle we define the maximum latitude (in absolute values without differentiating north and south) of sunspot occurrence. Since the telescopic ...
Jun 9, 2016 · If we define the Maunder Minimum as a climatic regime, not (just) a period of reduced sunspots, and if we care about its human consequences ...
Home / Define a Word / Definition of maunder | What does maunder mean? Definition of maunder | What does maunder mean?
Definition of maunder is አንጎራጎረ. Translation of maunder in Amharic. maunder - ትርጉም. ... ስለ maunder ትርጓሜ ወይም የሚያውቁትን እውነታ ከዚህ ያስገቡ።