Usually means: Throb or beat with regularity. Definitions [Related words] [Mentions] [History]. We found 31 dictionaries that define the word pulsate: General ...
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Pulsate. When something moves by itself, like it is breathing. A pussy ... Define a Word · Twitter · Facebook · Help · Subscribe. © 1999-2024 Urban Dictionary ...
Definition of pulsate is ትር ትር አለ, መርገብገብ፣ ተርገበገበ. Translation of pulsate in Amharic. pulsate - ትርጉም.
Usually means: Pulsate or beat with rhythm. Definitions [Related words] [Mentions] [Lyrics] [History]. We found 35 dictionaries that define the word throb:
These giant stars are observed to undergo pulsations ranging from weak irregularity, when one can still define an average cycling time or period, (as in ...
Later we will define that the user should only get the campaign once to ensure this does not get the campaign each time they login.. Note that this time ...
You can read more about recent attempts to define the Hubble constant in the Unit HET616, Great ... pulsate until about 1915. Page 15. cO. Swinb urne.
... define the future of banking and finance. Pulsate provides digital consumer engagement solutions to community banks and credit unions, helping them build ...
On occasion (musculoskeletal anatomy, venous clots) the pulsations can only be visualized on one side. If you cannot clearly define the JVP on the right ...
A hearing check, carried out by a specialist, will allow to identify the causes of the rhythmic pulsations and so you can define the most appropriate therapy ...