- the speed at which a passage of music is or should be played.synonyms: cadence, speed, rhythm, beat, time, pulse, measure, meter
- the rate or speed of motion or activity; pace."the tempo of life dictated by a heavy workload"synonyms: pace, rate, speed, velocity
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Aug 27, 2024 · The meaning of TEMPO is the rate of speed of a musical piece or passage indicated by one of a series of directions (such as largo, presto, ...
What is Tempo in Music? - Hoffman Academy Blog
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Tempo is the Italian word for the speed of a song or piece of music. Italian words are most commonly used to indicate tempo, but sometimes you may see tempi ...
Meaning of tempo in English ... the speed at which an event happens: We're going to have to up the tempo (= work faster) if we want to finish on time.
Tempo (Italian for 'time'; plural 'tempos', or tempi from the Italian plural), also known as beats per minute, is the speed or pace of a given composition.
noun · the speed at which a piece or passage of music is meant to be played, usually indicated by a musical direction ( tempo marking ) or metronome marking.
The meaning of A TEMPO is in time —used as a direction in music to return to the original tempo.
It was originally used to describe the timing of music, or the speed at which a piece of music is played.
2 senses: 1. the speed at which a piece or passage of music is meant to be played, usually indicated by a musical direction.... Click for more definitions.
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Jul 25, 2024 · Tempo, speed or pacing of a piece of music, playing an essential role in performance and acting as the heartbeat of expression.
tempo · . (plural tempi. /ˈtempiː/. /ˈtempiː/. ) the speed or rhythm of a piece of music · the speed of any movement or activity synonym pace1. the increasing ...