
Learn to pronounce im·pulse

  1. a sudden strong and unreflective urge or desire to act.
    "I had an almost irresistible impulse to giggle"
    synonyms: urge, instinct, drive, compulsion, need, itch, whim, caprice, desire, fancy, notion
  2. a driving or motivating force; an impetus.
    "an added impulse to this process of renewal"
    synonyms: inspiration, stimulation, stimulus, incitement, motivation, encouragement, fillip, spur, prod, catalyst
  3. a pulse of electrical energy; a brief current.
    "nerve impulses"
    synonyms: pulse, current, wave, signal, message, brainwave, communication
  4. a force acting briefly on a body and producing a finite change of momentum.
    "ability to communicate motion by impulse"

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1. a : a sudden spontaneous inclination or incitement to some usually unpremeditated action b : a propensity or natural tendency usually other than rational.
a sudden strong wish to do something: impulse to I had this sudden impulse to shout out "Nonsense!" in the middle of her speech.
In classical mechanics, impulse (symbolized by J or Imp) is the change in momentum of an object.
noun · an impelling force or motion; thrust; impetus · a sudden desire, whim, or inclination · an instinctive drive; urge · tendency; current; trend · physics.
Impulse is a physical phenomenon that occurs whenever two objects collide with each other or when objects come into contact. When a soccer player kicks the ...
An impulse is a sudden force or desire — this could be an electrical impulse, or an impulse to get some pizza.
Impulse is a term that quantifies the overall effect of a force acting over time. It is conventionally given the symbol J and expressed in Newton-seconds.
1. an impelling force or motion; thrust; impetus 2. a sudden desire, whim, or inclination I bought it on an impulse 3. an instinctive drive; urge 4. tendency; ...
a sudden feeling that you must do something, without thinking about the results: [ usually singular ] Her first impulse was to run away.
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impulse · 1. a sudden desire to do something, without thinking about the consequences. · 2. a sudden force or stimulation. an electrical impulse.