- rough or loose in texture or grain."a coarse woolen cloth"synonyms: rough, bristly, scratchy, prickly, hairy, shaggy, wiry
- (of a person or their speech) rude, crude, or vulgar."a man of coarse speech"synonyms: oafish, loutish, boorish, churlish, uncouth, rude, discourteous, impolite, ungentlemanly, unladylike, ill-mannered, uncivil, ill-bred, vulgar, common, rough, uncultured, uncivilized, crass, foul-mouthed, trailer-park, crude, off color, offensive, dirty, filthy, smutty, obscene, indelicate, improper, indecent, indecorous, unseemly, tasteless, lewd, prurient, bawdy, earthy, broad, ribald, salty, blue, raunchy, nudge-nudge, farmyard
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2 days ago · 1. of ordinary or poor quality 2. made up of large parts or particles coarse sand 3. being harsh or rough coarse cloth 4. not precise or detailed : roughly ...
6 days ago · rough and not smooth or soft, or not in very small pieces: coarse sand/breadcrumbs coarse-grained Linen is a coarse-grained fabric.
composed of relatively large parts or particles: The beach had rough, coarse sand. lacking in fineness or delicacy of texture, structure, etc.
Coarse can mean rough to the touch or vulgar. It's good to have coarse sand paper, but not good to have coarse manners.
coarse in British English · 1. rough in texture, structure, etc; not fine. coarse sand · 2. lacking refinement or taste; indelicate; vulgar. coarse jokes · 3.
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COARSE meaning: 1 : made up of large pieces not fine; 2 : having a rough quality.
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having large grains or pieces, or a rough surface. The truck dumped a load of coarse gravel for the new driveway.This coarse wool cloth scratches my skin.
consisting of relatively large pieces; coarse sand/salt/hair; opposite fine; rude and offensive, especially about sex; synonym vulgar; coarse manners/laughter.
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1. rough in texture, structure, etc; not fine: coarse sand. 2. lacking refinement or taste; indelicate; vulgar: coarse jokes. 3. of inferior quality; not pure ...
made up of relatively large parts or particles: coarse sand. lacking in delicacy of texture, etc.: coarse fabric; coarse skin. lacking refinement; unpolished.
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