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"x-amzn-errortype" = "MissingAuthenticationTokenException", "Missing Authentication Token", An authentication token wasn't found in the request ...
Choose a response type, and then choose Edit. In this walkthrough, we use Missing authentication token as an example. You can change the API Gateway-generated ...
Jul 25, 2018 · I got it working by updating the IAM Role that AWS Mobile Hub has auto-provisioned. Attaching screenshot for reference. Missing AppSync IAM policy.
Jul 20, 2022 · For REST API, if a client invokes an API with a non-existing route, they get MissingAuthenticationTokenException. This is returned whether or ...
I am trying to use open id configuration using .net core code. The below API throws an exception ...
Mar 12, 2018 · I made an example connecting by postgresql, using the console terminal aws it executes, however via terminal I am getting the following error.
May 17, 2021 · Hi, Can someone tell me why I get this message when I try to get an access token : 'x-cache': 'Error from cloudfront', 'x-amzn-errortype': ...
x-amzn-ErrorType: MissingAuthenticationTokenException x-amz-apigw-id: EdRG8Ho1CYcFqUQ= {"message":"Missing Authentication Token"}. You will typically see ...