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Understanding the behavioral immune system.
Psychology Today
There are certain stimuli that people find to be universally disgusting. These stimuli, such as feces and vomit, are often loaded with potentially dangerous...
6 months ago
Asas que protegem o País
Força Aérea Brasileira
Visualize a cena: em meio a uma guerra, com meios aéreos e terrestres, as unidades de artilharia antiaérea, da Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB), inseridas no...
10 months ago
PM leva teatro e palestras de conscientização para escola pública de Rio Branco
Agência de Notícias do Acre
A Polícia Militar do Acre (PMAC), por meio da Coordenadoria de Polícia Comunitária e Direitos Humanos, realizou junto às secretarias de Estado de Justiça e...
28 months ago
Por que o aniversário da Rainha Elizabeth se comemora 2 meses depois?
Fatos Desconhecidos
Na quinta-feira (21), a Rainha Elizabeth fez 96 anos de vida. Não se registrou nenhuma celebração especial, pois esta só acontece em junho.
29 months ago
Mapped: The Top Female Founder in Each Country
Visual Capitalist
View the high resolution of this infographic by clicking here. Companies with at least one female founder generate 78 cents of revenue for every dollar of...
47 months ago
A Darwinian caution against the use of technology to solve everything.
Psychology Today
Is your kid having attention issues at school? Are you anxious or in a rut? Suffering from addiction? There may be pills for all that.
55 months ago
How Darwin’s ideas could make our world a whole lot better.
Psychology Today
Modern pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and processed foods make us feel and look better. But, in some cases, they lead to adverse health outcomes.
57 months ago
The “Clinician’s illusion” and the epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of depressive disorders
BMC Psychiatry
Much of the controversy, however, may be illusory, arising from a tendency to view depressive disorders as defects or disease processes (the “clincian's...
69 months ago
Happy 209th birthday, Charles!
Psychology Today
Today is Darwin's 209th birthday, and he is still pretty much right about everything. Here are 10 reasons to celebrate his life and ideas.
79 months ago
Mapas de Óleo e Gás no Excel
Aprenda a criar mapas usando o plugin Esri Maps for Office. Agência Nacional de Petróleo (ANP) fornece diversos dados técnicos que são utilizados por...
122 months ago