verbalistic definition from
... definition by this procedure would conclude with a figure of speech rather ... verbalistic tradition , or gone behind the figures , to see what it was that ... definition . First , the traditional dic- tionary or verbal ...
verbalistic definition from
... meaning . -n . 1 a word , particularly a noun or adjective , de- rived from a verb . Gerunds and participles ... verbalistic ( vėr'bə lis'tik ) , adj . of or having to do with verbalists ; characterized by verbalism or verbalisms ...
verbalistic definition from
... verbalistic) definition, it is necessary to indicate a procedure, albeit idealised but not distorted, an (effective or conceptual) experiment for its measurement. (p. 212) Therefore, one should keep in mind the distinction between the ...
verbalistic definition from
... verbal definition . It must be emphasized that the term evalua- tion involves both ' emotions ' and ' intellect ' , and so automatically does not split the personality into verbalistic fictions of separate ' emotions ' and ' intellect ...
verbalistic definition from
... verbal associations , no matter how elaborate , are not the same as nor ... definition . " What is wind ? Something less solid than iron . A non ... verbalistic orientation to situa- tions is not without its significance in ...
verbalistic definition from
... verbalistic sense – an operational definition is required. By this we mean a definition based on a criterion that allows us to measure it.7 We will, therefore, be concerned with giving an operational definition to the prevision of a ...
verbalistic definition from
... verbal and observable . ific 2. The reply was oriented by a verbal definition . " What is ing wind ? Something less ... verbalistic orientation to situa- tions is not without its significance in human affairs is , perhaps , sharply ...
verbalistic definition from
... verbalistic sense—an operational definition is required. By this we mean a definition based on a criterion which allows us to measure it. We will therefore be concerned with giving an operational definition to the prevision of a random ...
verbalistic definition from
... definition of, 247 of hypotheses, 246ff Testing, 221 Testing problem, 247 Ties in rank, 219 Tight, 37, 40 Time in ... Verbalistic and behavioralistic outlooks, 17 Verbalistic outlook, 159ff, 220, 260, 261 inadequacy of in ...