Feb 6, 2013 · Solutions to 'udevd[5511]: RUN+="socket:..." support will be removed from a future udev release. Please remove it from: /usr...'
I get them when I boot due to udev rules for libmtp which are still SYSFS instead of ATTR(S) [edit: at least in one distro; I just looked at my rules for libmtp ...
Missing: 5511 socket:..." support remove lib/ 40- multipath. 16 libudev
Aug 15, 2024 · Monitoring the udev events using below commands showed that there were frequent 'change' events triggered for the devices and the rules were getting reloaded.
Missing: 5511 socket:..." future /usr/ 40- 16 libudev
Make sure to clean up all the built sources. Make sure to use dependency/target variables. Add silent-rule support for the gudev rules. Fix building of ...
Feb 5, 2021 · Hi, I'm trying to get UDEV events to reach my container running on a BalenaFin. I'm testing with a simple USB thumb drive and an an ATR210, ...
Missing: 5511 future multipath. 16
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Every time a device is added or removed, the kernel sends a uevent to notify udev of the change. The udev daemon reads and parses all rules from the /usr/lib/ ...
Missing: 5511 future multipath. libudev
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