Balancing these elements is at the heart of Decisions Over Decimals. This book is not only designed to be read - but frequently referenced - as you face innumerable decision moments.
A guide to decision-making, is a book that gives a comprehensive detail about nearly everything that pertains to decision-making.The primary aim of this book is to help many who struggle with making decisions or waver between opinions;hence ...
This book Shows how stress adversely affects the performance of even the most savvy leaders Reveals the truth about one of the prime factors behind the current failure of leadership Offers a solid prescription for building a "stress ...
At the same time it can be its lifeblood if it is developed, monitored and managed properly. The good news is that this is a skill that can be learned and improved.
This volume brings together two hitherto separate aspects of the psychology of thinking: how people reason, and how they make judgements and decisions. This exploration is timely for two major reasons.
Within this decision making process, time and technology have become critical parts. Technology has increased the amount of information available to the commander.
Combining clearly communicated research-based principles, a wealth of practical advice, and dozens of historic and contemporary examples of decision making (good and bad), Patrick Gould's Prudent Decision Making in an Imprudent World: ...