The genius of TDQ is the way Fisher and Frey break down the process into four cognitive pathways: What does the text say? How does the text work? What does the text mean? What does the text inspire you to do?
... content - dependent metadata , content - descriptive metadata , and content - independent metadata . Content ... textual data . When we associate metadata with the original data , which describes the contents in some way , but ...
Principles for Structuring, Designing, and Displaying Text David H. Jonassen. Text assessment field observations ... content dependent , 91-97 description , 73 problem / solution , 73 Text structure and text comprehension , 194-195 ...
... content - descriptive ( Jain and Hampapur ) R - Feature Value pairs Image , Video content - dependent ( Jain and ... Text content - dependent Topic change indices Audio content - dependent ( Chen et al . ) Layout indices Image ...
The genius of TDQ is the way Fisher and Frey break down the process into four cognitive pathways: What does the text say? How does the text work? What does the text mean? What does the text inspire you to do?
... context - dependent information recognition : Hidden Markov models and conditional random fields . We foresee that many other useful context dependent classification algorithms will be developed in text un- derstanding . In context - ...
... context - dependent texts ( see Shaughnessy 2012 ) . Besides , Meyer ultimately finds the principles of composition of each text in “ the logical structure of the argument " ( Meyer 2012 , 26 ) rather than in patterns that would ...
... text . The second member ( the listener ) of the pair serves as a metacognitive coach , correcting recall errors and ... content - dependent and content - independent recall and content - independent transfer . Generally , in these ...
... textual meaning is planned for, not assumed or incidental. • Meaning-based: Conceptualizing activities are always tied to the interpreta- tion or creation of textual content ... dependent, the meaning of language forms and conventions ...
... texts. Afterwards, the trained biLSTMs can be used to represent text data in terms of context-dependent embeddings. Since biLSTMs decode text once in reading direction and once in the opposite direction, they provide context-dependent ...