Praise for Charly Cox ‘The action never flags, the suspense is red-hot and the twists and turns jaw-droppingly brilliant, fans of the genre need to add Charly Cox to their list of must-buys.’ Bookish Jottings ‘There is just so much to ...
Eine Reihe von Büchern wurden veröffentlicht, oft aber enthielten sie nur Halbwahrheiten oder erfundene Skandale. Klaus le Vrang hat in diesem Buch Wert gelegt auf exakte Tatsachen.
In questo raggelante romanzo, Carlo Piano ricostruisce nei dettagli la vita di quest’anima dannata, di questo oscuro assassino, senza mai cedere a un facile, morboso voyeurismo; indagando senza preconcetti e con tenace coinvolgimento ...
"This book is a fascinating on-location excursion down the mean streets of a metastasizing metropolis and the shuttered backlots of a sputtering studio system, an anthropological thick description of the gangsters, stars, hustlers, hookers, ...
The Angel Makers captures in expertly researched detail the entirety of this harrowing story, from the early murders to the final hanging—the story of one of the most sensational and astonishing murder rings in all of modern history.
Serpentine is the “grotesque, baffling, and hypnotic” true story of one of the most bizarre killing sprees in modern history (San Francisco Chronicle).