Lars Werge (f. 1966) er tidligere højdespringer, journalist og politiker. Han har skrevet flere bøger om sport og kendte idrætsfolk og blev i 2006 kåret som Årets Sportsjournalist.
Ai ciclisti amatoriali, a chi fa agonismo, a chi partecipa alle gran fondo o pedala solitario per le strade d'Italia, a tutti questi appassionati delle due ruote è dedicato questo pratico vademecum.
A remarkable achievement, Cycling Science features the following: • Contributions from 43 top cycling scientists and coaches from around the world • The latest thinking on the rider-machine interface, including topics such as bike fit, ...
Geoffrey Wheatcroft's masterly history of the Tour de France's first hundred years is not just a hugely entertaining canter through some great Tour stories; nor is it merely a homage to the riders whose names—Coppi, Simpson, Mercx, ...
Mit Fahrrad und Boot bis ans Ende der Welt: Eine atemberaubende Reise nach Tschukotka Im äußersten Nordosten Russlands liegt mitten in der sibirischen Tundra die autonome Grenzregion Tschukotka, eine der abgelegensten und einsamsten ...
In My World, Peter Sagan, one of cycling's greatest riders of all time, gives bike racing fans a glimpse behind the scenes of his cycling life, revealing the full extent of his dedication to competition and determination to win.