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subject:"Science / Chemistry / Toxicology" from
This book covers diverse aspects of the abovementioned topics—from the laboratory culture of Dinophysis and the kinetics of uptake, transformation, and depuration of DSP toxins in shellfish to Dinophysis population dynamics, the ...
subject:"Science / Chemistry / Toxicology" from
La palabra farmacognosia etimológicamente significa “conocimiento de las drogas”.
subject:"Science / Chemistry / Toxicology" from
The first part of the report includes updates on the work of the Codex Committee on Food Additives (CCFA) since the eighty-fourth meeting of JECFA and on activities relevant to JECFA with regard to the Environmental Health Criteria 240: ...
subject:"Science / Chemistry / Toxicology" from
NOTE: NO FURTHER DISCOUNT FOR THIS PRINT PRODUCT-- OVERSTOCK SALE -- Significantly reduced list price while supplies last Addresses weaponization of biological agents.
subject:"Science / Chemistry / Toxicology" from
There has been international concern over the association of kava products and serious hepatotoxicity.